Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So, I found one of my pictures in Texas....

As most of you know, in my ‘other’ life I am a reporter for the Press and Dakotan here in Yankton, SD.

Recently, for our weekly Rivercity section I did a story on Bald Eagles in the area. I also had the fun job of going out and capturing some images to use for the paper. Well, it was a riot and not something I typically get the time to do.

So, last night I was out searching on the web and guess what I found? That image had been picked up by a Dallas/Fort Worth Texas site (and a Kansas City one, too.)

I don’t typically post about P&D stuff here but I thought that was exciting.

If you want to see the story and image click the title of this post... if you want to see the other images I captured from the day go to

As always, keep checking back,



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IS Photo~Images By Shauna

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