Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Rachel and Tyler's Wedding

Ok ditto on how I started my last post where did May go? I have been very busy this month with baseball photos and softball pictures are coming up. We also had the pleasure of shooting Rachel and Tyler's Wedding a week ago... Here is just a teaser of my favorite images from the day. . . So far anyway :)

I will type at you again soon. ~ Shauna


IS Favorites

IS Photo~Images By Shauna

Welcome to the IS Happenings Blog, the blog for IS Photo~Images By Shauna.

Located in Yankton, SD, IS Photo offers coverage across the area from Sioux Falls, SD to Sioux City, IA to Omaha, NE and back again, we take great pride in the services and quality we provide.

Our wedding coverage starts at only $899 and is completely customizable to your needs. Give Shauna a call at 605-940-9040 and lets discuss how IS Photo can provide you amazing coverage of your once in a lifetime day.

For more information, please visit our website at http://www.isphoto.org.

Thank you for taking the time to explore IS Happenings.


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